vaccination verification solutions

In order to control the pandemic 2020, different vaccines are being developed and approved across the globe. The manufacturing of vaccines is happening on a large scale, so it increases the chances of fraudulent activities. These activities include the entrance of fake doses, theft of vaccines, etc. Consequently, these activities pose a threat to the general public’s health. Hence, proper management and advanced vaccination verification solutions are required at various stages such as manufacturing, allocation, and distribution. 

HealthMatriX provides a solid solution to fight against falsified and counterfeit vaccines. Besides, it offers end-to-end solutions to tackle possibly all the issues faced by governments and organizations. Firstly, let’s discuss the most common problems they are facing! 

Problems governments, hospitals, and labs face:

  • Fake vaccines: Substandard and counterfeit vaccines entering the supply and distribution chains. 
  • Counterfeit certificates: The production of counterfeit certificates results in surging cases as disease carriers easily enter public places. 
  • No digital records: No digital records about vaccine vials, distribution, usage, and vaccine reports leading to fraudulent activities. 
  • Single syringe multiple persons: Rise in infection cases due to the use of single syringe on multiple persons. 

HealthMatriX solutions to overcome these problems:

  • Verify authenticity of vaccines – With the use of the MatriX-iPassTM SaaS solutions, governments and healthcare organizations can verify the authenticity of vaccines. If an organization subscribes to our verification engine solution, HealthMatriX will also provide a Checkpoint App. The government authorities can scan the QR code using the MatriX-iPassTM Checkpoint app, and a web page will pop up with complete details about the vaccine authentication.
  • Anti-counterfeit digital and paper-based certificates: Our AI-powered app enables governments and healthcare organizations to provide individuals with digital or paper-based health certificates. These certificates will be equipped with a secure QR code to verify the authenticity with a simple scan. Moreover, paper-based certificates will be printed using secure ink, which is completely anti-counterfeit. 
  • Secure digital records: MatriX-iPassTM CLOUD solution makes it easy to access, manage, and update records at a central location. Advanced security technologies help prevent counterfeit activities. 
  • Protect Patients Against Multiple Use of Single Syringe: With the verification engine solution, HealthMatriX will provide a Checkpoint app to enable syringe packaging to tackle the issue. The person who is giving the syringe needs to scan the unique QR-code using the MatriX-iPassTM Checkpoint app to see whether it was used before or not. 

The only way to control the pandemic is to stay vigilant and use the best vaccination verification solutions at every stage. HealthMatriX solutions make it possible for governments and healthcare organizations to manage vaccines and related data to reopen the economies confidently. 

Wondering how you can implement HealthMatriX to prevent the use of fake vaccines and certificates? Book a demo to see it in action! 

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Contact Info

HealthMatriX Technologies Limited
Unit 8, 18/F, Workingfield Commercial Building, 408-412 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong +852 2523 9959
HealthMatriX Technologies Pte. Ltd.
192, Waterloo Street, #05-01 Skyline Building Singapore 187966

[email protected]

+65 3105 1657


HealthMatriX provides AI-enabled anti-counterfeit QR codes, NFC/UHF tags, and cutting-edge technology development solutions to protect the products and documents for the health sector. HealthMatriX also provides tamper-evident physical products highly advanced AI-automated software integrations and white-label solutions.

Contact Info

HealthMatriX Technologies
[email protected]
HealthMatriX Technologies
Unit 8, 18/F, Workingfield Commercial Building, 408-412 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
+852 2523 9959